Home > Oil/Gas Engin.
Oil/Gas Engin.
Offshore oil and gas exploration associated with many fields, so it’s an extremely complex project, Here are some simple classification according to our business areas:
classifications | operations | Corresponding products | |
1 | Oil exploration | Seismic exploration | Sub-bottom profiler, Seismic reflection profiling system |
Marine geological survey | Marine magnetometer, echosounder, sub-bottom profiler | ||
2 | Oil platform | Platform monitoring | Underwater navigator, underwater camera |
Dynamic positioning | High precision GPS | ||
Platform underwater detection | ROV, underwater camera, underwater acoustic modem | ||
Drilling auxiliary observation | ROV, underwater camera | ||
3 | Oil pipeline | Route survey | Multibeam echosounder, side scan sonar, sub-bottom profiler |
Pipeline offset inspection | Multibeam echosounder, side scan sonar, sub-bottom profiler | ||
Leak detection and positioning | ultrasonic wave, chemical leak detection, USBL | ||
Pipeline burial depth inspection | Sub-bottom profiler | ||
Pipeline monitoring and alarm | Underwater camera, ultrasonic wave, chemical leak detection | ||
4 | Marine environment | Flow volume and velocity monitoring | ADCP |
Oil spill monitoring | Oil spill surveillance radar, USV, ROV | ||
5 | Service Vessels | Distribution and localization | NaviPac software |
Multi-ship cooperation | NaviPac software |